FITREC’s DNA Ambassador, Rachel Young, used to believe that it was best to have a “stiff upper lip” approach to life and knuckle down and crack on with it all. However, the pandemic gave her time to reflect, re-evaluate, refocus and dramatically change her approach to some things. Read on to share in her thoughts…

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.

I was thinking about habits and how I’ve formed new habits since the impact of the pandemic, and I realised that our fitness industry consumers have also formed new habits. Gym goers, for example, have started training at home as we all know; the fit are worried about their performance, and the unfit or the unhealthy are seriously concerned for their health.

So, food for thought: when it comes to your facility in this new pandemic-affected landscape, how are you going to do things differently?

I totally appreciate there’s going to be distancing and rules and regulations to abide by for some time to come – that’s a given. But what other new or different things are you going to do to accommodate the new demands or expectations that your members and staff now have?

It’s time to be compassionate when it comes to looking after your existing employees and members.

The other thing to consider, is that there’s a whole potential new market now, which is people who have realised they need to look after their health.

After looking at hundreds and hundreds of online workouts and seeing what’s available out there, I can say there are some fantastic offerings; but there are also some things that would put people off. As a fitness professional or facility owner/manager, now is absolutely the time to be sharing sound health tips and advice with your entire community – we need to do what we can to try and get everyone moving.

What other new or different things are you going to do to accommodate the new demands or expectations that your members and staff now have?

While we’ve all made our own kind of new habits, my questions to you are:



Rachel is a DNA Ambassador for FITREC. She is also the Director of Business Development at Myzone EMEA. Vice-Chair of EuropeActive’s advisory group for Inclusion. WIFA Global Ambassador.