Motivating The Motivator

What happens when you’re not feeling motivated? Who’s motivating the motivator? How do you motivate… us? Marie Anagnostis explores.

Over the decades I’ve been in the fitness industry, I’ve experienced it all with my members – from too motivated (takes things to the extreme, often irritating for others, can’t last in the long – term) to carcass – walking (self – explanatory, but basically impossible to reach or guide). I’ve ridden the wave, but I’m still here and I genuinely still love what I do.

Following are some of the ways I’ve stayed buoyed during the times that threaten to sink me; some are quick fixes that can help you survive the next hour, while some are a little more involved, which may – at times – make you question your commitment!

The bottom line is it ain’t easy! But it’s the height of unprofessionalism to sob during the introduction to your group fitness class or PT session (seriously, save that until the END, like a real fitpro!).

Lovingly from me to you, please take what you need from the following…

Focus on THEM

Who hasn’t had a crap day that just descends into your evening GX class? The last thing you want to do at the endof days like this is stand somewhat pleasantly and professionally in front of a group of people and tell them what to do.

On days like this, make a concerted effort to focus EXTERNALLY on the people in front of you. For these next 55 minutes, it’s all about them: their enjoyment, their workout, their safety. Them. Them. Them. When you direct your focus in this way, you’ll quickly forget all that ails you, you, you. Taking a moment to focus on anything else but yourself in such moments will provide some pretty good therapy! 

I’m not saying don’t get therapy. I’m just saying I can’t afford it.

Focus on YOU

What? You just said to focus on THEM! I did–but that’s in the moment. That’s a quick fix. A hack. A Band-Aid. When I say focus on YOU, I mean that more holistically, outside the hours you’re working.

Just like we encourage our members to eat better and train regularly, are YOU practicing what you preach? Especially the training part.I constantly have people commenting on how fit I must be–but the truth is I’m so busy training anyone and everyone other than myself, that they may well be fitter than me!

Let’s face it, the majority of us are in the industry because we love moving, what it does for us, and how it makes us feel; and we want to share that passion. But when YOU’RE not even doing it for yourself, well, that can be incredibly frustrating.

So, take a step back and assess whether you’re training as much as you want to, and are you nourishing your body with actual food that isn’t caffeine and Twisties?


Even though we work in the most rewarding industry on the planet, it can still become like‘other’ work (eew!). That is, over time it can feel same-same and monotonous, and not themost enticing prospect when you’re staring down the barrel of a triple-split-shift 14-hour day!

To ‘refresh’ and help to get excited again I have found that doing a course or engaging in anew type of fitness activity is often the booster I need. As proof that I’m a self-confessed course-floozy, right now I have four online courses on the go, in various stages of completion, for this very purpose.

If it’s been a hot minute since you’ve participated in a course or tried something new, you might have forgotten how exciting and refreshing it is to expand your mind and experiences.Not only that, but new knowledge can also renew your excitement for your job, because you can weave the said learnings and ideas into your work.

reflect and reasses

This one goes a little deeper (and perhaps requires a mountaintop and f lowing robes). It’s about reflecting on your involvement in the industry. Specifically, ask yourself, ‘Do I still want to work in fitness?’

Could THIS be a reason you’re not feeling motivated?

Ooooft, not a question that should be flippantly answered, especially at 4:30 am in the guts of winter! Of course, there will be days (in any job) where you just want to chuck it all in (see: 4:30 am), so this is something you need to consider over a period of time.

My point is, you don’t want to get to where you feel completely traumatised by anything to do with our wonderful world of fitness. If you have concluded that ‘yes, this is my calling but my mojo has indeed waned’, you may want to reassess your involvement: a reduction in hours or changing the mix of work–the ratio of group classes vs PT vs online, for example. Or rest. Do you simply just need a pause from the work?

So, as you head into your next class or client session, I want to remind you that you are about to deliver an experience that is, quite literally, life-changing and that the chances are,you’re going to be the highlight of someone’s day! And if that’s not motivation, then I don’t know what is!


Marie Anagnostis

Owner and Coach of UBX Boxing + Strength in Belconnen and Fyshwick Markets (ACT), Marie’s love and curiosity for fitness runs deep, as she also moonlights as a BODYPUMP® and Reform Pilates Instructor. Marie is also the author of ’12 Hours In The Life Of A Fitness Professional: Because I’m Too Tired For The Other 12’.