Fitness Registration Has a New Role to Play in Our Industry

What began as a means of confirming qualifications has, with FITREC, become a tool to further careers and businesses.

From the outset, FITREC has focused on delivering a service that reflects the needs of the fitness industry. For example, profiles that provide greater insight into a professional’s background, recognition of a broader scope of qualifications, removal of outdated CEC/PDP systems, team pages for employers and more.

Taking our commitment to serve industry a huge step further, we’ve injected new technology into the FITREC site that will provide powerful new services for industry professionals, businesses, educators and suppliers.

Get Found, Based on Your Skillset and Specialisation

With a powerful new search tool, anyone can now find the FITREC-registered professional they’re looking for with natural language questions like, a “Trainer experienced with older adults,” or a “Trainer with bridal preparation expertise,” or a “Massage therapist specialising in back pain relief.”

This will give your FITREC profile the potential to drive more clients to your business via enquiries directly from the FITREC website.

This service dovetails beautifully with the recent addition of Booking Links on FITREC profiles, ensuring that anyone interested can click directly through to your preferred booking platform or enquiries page.

Use Your FITREC Registered Team to Attract Business

Making use of the new natural language search functionality, we’ve created a powerful new search bar called TrainerSync. By adding the TrainerSync search bar to your fitness business website, visitors to your site can share their fitness goals and be introduced to the most relevant FITREC-registered professional(s) on your team.

Personalised Learning and Development

By looking at FITREC profiles and our list of educational opportunities, FITREC-registered professionals are provided with ongoing development recommendations that align with their career pathway.

This functionality is a big win for educators. The new FITREC system will present your courses to professionals that are most likely to be interested and benefit from your offering.

Leading and Relevant Content

Our natural language search tool is also available to help professionals quickly and easily surface FITREC content from blog posts and even this Raising the Bar magazine. In addition, when logged in, professionals will be presented with links to content on the FITREC website that matches their career specialisation.

Relevant Job Matches

Utilising the technology advances that have been introduced to the HealthyPeople Recruitment site, FITREC-registered professionals looking for new opportunities will be given priority alerts about local roles that match their skills and career direction.

Don't Miss Out! Stay Ahead of the Curve

Be the first to experience the future of FITREC. Register with FITREC today as a professional, a business, an educator or supplier.
