The Marathon Study, conducted by a team of British researchers, supported by the British Heart Foundation, the University College London Hospitals and the Barts Cardiovascular Biomedical Research Centre, found that first time marathon runners could achieve health gains
that put them on par with younger adults.
After the completion of the training and the 42km event, the study found that in healthy ‘first-time’ marathon runners there were decreases in blood pressure and aortic stiffening, which equated to a four-year reduction in vascular age. The greatest benefits were noted in the older, slower male runners who had a higher baseline blood pressure.
If you or your clients plan to run a marathon for the first time ever this year, then you are in for a treat. Apart from the sense of accomplishment for completing such a gruelling event, you could also be rejuvinating your blood vessels and arteries! Remember, older males that are ready to hit the pavement at a slow and steady pace are the ones most likely to gain the greatest overall benefit! ®
A study at Kurume University School of Medicine in Japan, investigated the relationship between exercise and the appetite-promoting hormone, ghrelin. By comparing food intake and wheel-running activity between mice given free access to food and those fed twice a day for a limited time, researchers assessed whether a surge in ghrelin after a period of fasting, prompted mice to start exercising.
Evidence suggests that hunger and limited feeding, may lead to an increased motivation to exercise, suggesting that a surge in ghrelin could play an important part in the motivation for both eating and exercise.
The recommendation to maintain a healthy eating routine, eating less at mealtimes or fast intermittently is not new, but what is new is our understanding of how this behaviour could influence our intention to exercise as well as our physical health. More work is needed to confirm the ghrelin response in humans.
Raising The Bar is published by FITREC and HealthyPeople. Before trying any new exercise, nutrition or health regimes, you should seek clearance from an appropriate health, medical or fitness professional. The information in this publication is not a substitute for advice or consultation with any health, medical or fitness professional. The health and fitness industries often provide conflicting – sometimes even contradictory – information; as the reader it is your responsibility to safely determine what does or does not work for you. Any prices stated are the recommended retail prices in Australian currency and may be subject to change. While every effort is made to ensure accuracy, all parties associated with the production and publishing of this magazine accept no responsibility for the correctness of any facts and the copyright responsibility of all articles lies with individual contributors. Opinions expressed by the authors in this magazine do not necessarily reflect those of other authors, the publisher or any of its production or publishing team. Copyright ©2024. All rights reserved. No material in this magazine may be reproduced without written consent from the publisher.