Traky Has Finally Dropped!

We’re very pleased to officially launch our Traky service for FITREC PRO registered professionals.

For those who’ve not yet met Traky, it’s a FREE web-based service we built to help FITREC professionals record sessions with clients. Traky is a service that will work across a variety of scenarios and provide key functionality for all trainers. While simple in functionality, it offers versatility and a range of benefits for working professionals. And it’s now sporting additional features and a brand new look!

How will Traky help you?

Firstly, it’s a free tool to easily track individual and group sessions. Free now and free forever for FITREC PRO professionals.

Secondly, we’ve set it up so that clients are able to log in and view the sessions created by their trainer. We believe that where clients are more engaged in their progress and achievements, they’re more likely to train with you for longer. This ability for the client to view their progress has an added benefit in that it’s easier for them to share their activities and progress with others, which increases the likelihood of referral business.

From an insurance perspective, Traky provides a valuable way to keep a recording of all sessions with clients. What many trainers don’t realise is that there’s a seven-year window in which a client may make a claim for damages. It’s far better for you, as the trainer, to have a record of what actually went on in sessions otherwise, it comes down to your word versus theirs!


How does Traky work?

Traky has three elements: Milestones, Tags and Clients.
For every client on your account, you can add a Milestone. This can be anything – sessions details, payment notes, a personal best, weight loss or pregnancy progress, or a schedule for future training. On each of these Milestones, you can attach Tags. These are a way to easily search for specific milestones related to a client.


What’s coming for Traky?

Integrations, merchant facilities, Milestone templates and more. Stay tuned! 

